Monday, January 14, 2008

Constant Craving

All day today I was craving a big fat juicy steak. So instead of indulging in red meat tonight I decided to have some fancy cheese, crackers and a bottle of (homemade) wine. I picked up the house, lit some candles, and because I'm a bit of a masochist, I put on some vagina music (that's what the tough guys are calling it these days) to purposely make me feel introspective and pensive. This is how I roll.

Here's what I'm listening to tonight:

Natalie Merchant - Tigerlily
I don't know what it is about this cd. It's so simple and soothing... like comfort food. It fills me up (like empty carbs). Plus, Merchant has always struck me as the kind of gentle woman that I might see at the local farmers market on any given Saturday morning. She would smell of sun tan lotion and burt bees lip balm. Her hair pulled back in a pony tail, not yet dry from her morning shower. She wears earth tone colored clothes, slightly wrinkled, or one of those long and thin tie dye skirts.

Once - the Motion Picture Soundtrack
This film made me cry like a little bitch. It's hard not to revisit the emotions portrayed in the film. These lyrics are universal and capable of really hitting me where it hurts.

KD Lang - Ingenue
This album, much like Tigerlily above, is simple and comforting. Yet, it also encapsules an underlying despair and sexual longing that hasn't resurfaced in any other Lang recordings.

I think it's ironic (and f*ckin hilarious) that she titled her 1995 album "All You Can Eat".

Bens Folds - Songs For Silverman
I don't consider Ben Folds vagina music, but 4 or 5 of these songs really effect me every time I hear them. Folds writes thoughtful, witty, and sensitive lyrics that appeals to my self doubt and restless mind; "we'd hit the bottom, I thought it was my fault... and in a way I guess it was" (from the song Landed).

Good Night.

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